Wednesday, April 21, 2010


ജീവനു തുടിപ്പാവുന്ന നിപത്തി ......നോവിന്‍റെ സുഖം ഉള്ള സ്പര്‍ശം
യാത്ര ആവുന്ന ഉറവില്‍.... ഞാന്‍ അറിഞ്ഞ മാധുര്യം
ആരായിരുന്നു അത് ? അറിയില്ല ...നടന്നകന്ന ഓരോ സേതുകതിലും
ആ സ്വരം പ്രാര്‍ത്ഥന ആയി ..... ഒരു തണുത്ത സ്പര്‍ശം ആയി .....
കണ്ണീരിന്റെ അലയായി ........എന്നെ പിന്തിടുര്‍ന്നു .......

അറിഞ്ഞോ അറിയാതയോ ഞാന്‍ ചെയ്ത തെറ്റുകള്‍ .......
അവരില്‍ ഉലച്ചില്‍ ഉണ്ടാക്കി ......അഖം മുള്ള്കള്‍ കൊണ്ട് നിറയ്ച്ചപ്പോഴും ..
ആ സ്പര്‍ശത്തില്‍ ഞാന്‍ അറിഞ്ഞു ... എനിക്കായ് തുടിക്കുന്ന അന്ദരം .....
ഒരിക്കല്‍ ഞാന്‍ കണ്ടു ....എന്റെ വഴിയില്‍ ആ ക്രെന്ദനം ....
ഞാന്‍ ചോദിച്ചു ......എന്തിനു നീ എന്നെ ചുമന്നു ???
എന്തിനു നീ എനിക്കു രൂപം തന്നു ??
എന്തിനു നീ എനിക്കു മജ്ജയും മാംസവും തന്നു ??
എന്റെ വാക്കുകള്‍ ആവന്ദം ആയപോള്‍ .....
ആ മൃദുല സ്വരം പറഞ്ഞു .... ഞാന്‍ നിനക്കു ജീവന്‍ തന്നു
രൂപവും മജ്ജയും മാംസവും തന്നു
എന്നാല്‍ ..... എന്തിനു നീ അന്തനായ് നടിച്ചു ?
എന്തിനു നീ സ്വയം മറന്നു ?? എന്തിനു തിന്മയെ ഉള്‍കൊണ്ടു?
എന്തിനു നീ സ്വയം ഉള്‍വലിഞ്ഞു ....മൃദുല സ്വരം തേങ്ങി ...
ഞാന്‍ നിനക്കു ജീവന്‍ തന്നു കാരണം ഞാന്‍ അമ്മ ആവുന്നു ....
പ്രേപഞ്ഞ സത്യം ആവുന്നു .... സ്നേഹത്തിന്റെ രൂപമാവുന്നു ....
നീ എനിക്കു പുത്രന്‍ ആവുന്നു ....എന്റെ സ്വപ്‌നങ്ങള്‍ ആവുന്നു ...
എന്നിട്ടും നീ എനിക്കു എന്ത് സമ്മാനിച്ചു?? അശ്രുവിന്റെ ആഴിയോ?
ഞാന്‍ അറിഞ്ഞു എന്റെ സ്ഗലിതം......ന്ച്ചന്‍ വേദനയാല്‍ വിതുമ്പി ...
ആ രൂപം എന്നെ പുണര്‍ന്നു .... എന്റെ മൂര്‍ധാവില്‍ ചുമ്പിച്ചു ...
എന്റെ കണ്ണുകളില്‍ അശ്രുകള്‍ പൊടിഞ്ഞു .......
അമ്മേ.....ഞാന്‍ അറിഞ്ഞില്ല ....അല്ല ഞാന്‍ അറിയാന്‍ ശ്രേമിച്ചില്ല ....
എന്നാല്‍ ഇന്ന് ഞാന്‍ അറിയുന്നു .... ഞാന്‍ ചെയ്ത പാപം ....
തേങ്ങി കരയുവാന്‍ ന്ച്ചന്‍ ശക്തന്‍ അല്ല ....മാപ് ചോദിക്കാന്‍ അര്‍ഹനല്ല .....
ഈ വൈകിയുള പ്രേധിവച്ചസു എന്റെ മറുപടിയെ അപ്രസക്തം ആക്കുന്നു ....
എങ്കിലും ഞാന്‍ ആശ്രവികുന്നു ..... എനിക്കും വിവര്‍ത്തനം സംഭവിക്കണം
അപ്പോഴും നിലനിന്നൊരു ചോദ്യം .....എന്ന്? ഉത്തരം കണ്ടെതണ്ടി ഇരിക്കുന്നു .....
ഉത്തരം ഇല്ലാത്തതായി ഒന്നും ഇല്ല ....ഞാന്‍ കണ്ടെത്തും......
ജീവിക്കണം നന്മയ്ക്കായി.....പുതിയൊരു അജനിക്കായി ....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The history of computer technology has involved a sequence of changes from gears to relays to valves to transistors to integrated circuits and so on. Today's techniques can fit logic gates and wires a fraction of a micron wide onto a silicon chip. Soon the parts will become smaller and smaller until they are made up of only a handful of atoms. At this point the laws of classical physics break down and the rules of quantum mechanics take over, so the new quantum technology must replace and/or supplement what we presently have. It will support an entirely new kind of computation with new algorithms based on quantum principles.

Presently our digital computers rely on bits, which, when charged, represent on, true, or 1. When not charged they become off, false, or 0. A register of 3 bits can represent at a given moment in time one of eight numbers (000,001,010,...,111). In the quantum state, an atom (one bit) can be in two places at once according to the laws of quantum physics, so 3 atoms (quantum bits or qubits) can represent all eight numbers at any given time. So for x number of qubits, there can be 2x numbers stored. (I will not go into the logic of all this or this paper would turn into a book!). Parallel processing can take place on the 2x input numbers, performing the same task that a classical computer would have to repeat 2x times or use 2x processors working in parallel. In other words a quantum computer offers an enormous gain in the use of computational resources such as time and memory. This becomes mind boggling when you think of what 32 qubits can accomplish.

This all sounds like another purely technological process. Classical computers can do the same computations as quantum computers, only needing more time and more memory. The catch is that they need exponentially more time and memory to match the power of a quantum computer. An exponential increase is really fast, and available time and memory run out very quickly.

Quantum computers can be programed in a qualitatively new way using new algorithms. For example, we can construct new algorithms for solving problems, some of which can turn difficult mathematical problems, such as factorization, into easy ones. The difficulty of factorization of large numbers is the basis for the security of many common methods of encryption. RSA, the most popular public key cryptosystem used to protect electronic bank accounts gets its security from the difficulty of factoring very large numbers. This was one of the first potential uses for a quantum computer.

"Experimental and theoretical research in quantum computation is accelerating world-wide. New technologies for realising quantum computers are being proposed, and new types of quantum computation with various advantages over classical computation are continually being discovered and analysed and we believe some of them will bear technological fruit. From a fundamental standpoint, however, it does not matter how useful quantum computation turns out to be, nor does it matter whether we build the first quantum computer tomorrow, next year or centuries from now. The quantum theory of computation must in any case be an integral part of the world view of anyone who seeks a fundamental understanding of the quantum theory and the processing of information." ( Center for Quantum Computation)

In 1995 there was a $100 bet made to create the impossible within 16 years, the world's first nanometer supercomputer. This resulted in the NanoComputer Dream Team, and utilizes the internet to gather talent from every scientific field and from all over the world, amateur and professional.

The possibilities for making a nanotech quantum computer are many, including such exotic creations as quivering nanotubes, superconducting nanocircuits and quantum dots.

"Nanoscale devices are the best case to observe quantum mechanical phenomena in the compromise between something small enough to be quantum mechanical, but still large enough to be controllable and accessible," said physicist Franco Nori of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and the Frontier Research System of RIKEN near Tokyo.

Conventional computers work by symbolizing data as a series of ones and zeros - binary digits known as bits. The resulting binary code is conveyed via transistors - switches that can be flicked either on or off to represent one or zero.

Quantum computers, however, take advantage of the strange phenomenon that physicists call "superposition," where infinitesimal objects such as individual electrons or atoms can exist in two or more places at once, or spin in opposite directions at the same time.

This means computers built with superposition processors could employ quantum bits - called qubits - that exist in both on and off states simultaneously.

Quantum computers therefore can calculate every possible on-off combination at the same time, making them dramatically faster than conventional data processors when it comes to solving certain problems involving probabilities, such as code-breaking.

Quantum computing research is growing rapidly at military, intelligence and university research labs worldwide, as well as at those of industrial giants such as AT&T, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Lucent and Microsoft.

To run mind-boggling calculations, scientists will need to scale up quantum computers from the handful of qubits most now possess to hundreds. This will be difficult, because superposition is an extremely delicate state of matter that can be disrupted by the slightest disturbance.

So far, scientists at best have managed to link up, or entangle, only a few qubits to perform simple logic operations, Nori said.

The first experiments that created qubits used particles such as chloroform molecules whose components were pushed into superposition with magnetic fields and radio waves. Among the problems with such devices was they did not scale up qubits readily.

That is where nanotechnology comes in.

"As a result of the existing semiconductor industry, a great deal of expertise is available for micro or nanofabrication," said physicist Albert Chang at Duke University in Durham, N.C.

"This knowledge base could greatly short-circuit the design and implementation of multi-qubit circuitry."

Among the most promising candidates for quantum computers are quantum dots - semiconductor crystals only nanometers, or billionth of a meter, long. Scientists can cram electric charges into quantum dots so they behave like puddles of electrons.

The key to using quantum dots in quantum computing is their property known as spin. Electrons spin just as Earth spins on its poles. When two electrons occupy the same space, they must possess opposite spins - one electron spinning "up" and the other "down," Chang said.

Electrons can even be packed into quantum dots so each dot has a net spin of up or down.

Chang and colleagues created qubits from quantum dots by placing a pair of dots carrying the same net spin value near each other. They connected the dots with tiny wires and directed how much electric charge the dots could transfer among one another.

By controlling the charge transfer, the team converted both dots to qubits, spinning both up and down simultaneously.

"In my view, in the longer run - say on a five-to-10-year horizon, quantum dots have a good chance to emerge as one of the best systems," Chang said.

In addition to Chang's group, other notable researchers working on quantum-dot qubits include Charles Marcus at Harvard University, Leo Kouwenhoven's group at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, Seigo Tarucha at the University of Tokyo and Jorg Kotthaus at LMU Munich.

Similar to quantum-dot computers are Kane quantum computers, named after physicist Bruce Kane who suggested the idea in 1998 when he was at the University of New South Wales in Sydney.

In a Kane quantum computer, phosphorus atoms under a layer of silicon 25 nanometers or so deep behave as qubits. The device uses phosphorus because the atoms can remain in superposition for a long time.

The Kane quantum computer represents the primary quantum-computing effort in Australia. Because it also depends on silicon, the hope is techniques long refined in the semiconductor industry will help to manufacture these computers and scale them up to large qubit numbers.

Still another major contender uses superconducting nanocircuits, which government and university labs worldwide are researching.

At the nanolevel, electronic circuits begin to exhibit quantum behavior. In superconductors, electrical current flows with no resistance, which means electronic signals can travel without energy loss, helping to preserve superposition.

Scientists have worked on superconducting devices for roughly 40 years, and in many ways the superconducting approach for quantum computers is very advanced compared to others, explained physicist Andrew Cleland of the University ofCalifornia,Santa Barbara.

Still, the circuits are currently prone to having the superpositions break down, Chang said. A key question that remains to be answered is whether error-correction schemes can overcome this problem to make superconducting nanocircuit-based quantum computation "a practical and useful reality," he added.

A more robust quantum computer might even prove mechanical in nature, Nori said. He and colleagues recently proposed using carbon nanotubes or silicon nanorods as mechanical qubits.

"Imagine a ruler and squeeze it along its length," Nori said. A normal ruler would bend either left or right, but if shrunk to nanoscale dimensions such a ruler would take on a superposition of buckling left and right at the same time.

The advantage of a mechanical qubit is it potentially could remain in superposition longer than other kinds of qubits. Moreover, mechanical qubits could be manufactured via simple carbon-nanotube growth techniques researched feverishly the world over, said Nori's collaborator, physicist Alik Kasumov of the University Paris-Sud.

"Isn't the basic idea the coolest thing?" asked Keith Schwab, senior physicist for the National Security Agency's lab at the University of Maryland in College Park.

Kasumov, Nori and colleagues plan experiments on buckling nanotubes this year, and mechanical qubits could appear within three years if they can produce superposition in the nanotubes, as hoped.


Nano Green is proud to introduce a new era of nanotechnology for agriculture. Through innovations in colloidal chemistry, Nano Green has developed a remarkable Plant Tonic with a uniform particle size of 8 angstroms to 4 nanometers. This nano-scale break-through has made possible the creation of billions of micelles, which are activated to form what can best be described as a "super cleaner." Plants and trees, after being sprayed with Nano Green, experience an accelerated level of photosynthesis activity. This is most likely attributable to the nano-scale size of the cleansing molecules, which allows them to enter the stomata of a plant’s leaves, making them more efficient in utilizing the energy from the sun. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants utilize the energy from sunlight to produce sugar, which is converted to form the basis for the starches, cellulose, waxes, carbohydrates, oils and protein that are the building blocks for all plant growth.

During photosynthesis, the leaves of the plant or tree use water and release the oxygen, which we breathe. The leaf is a solar collector crammed full of photosynthetic calls. In essence, water and carbon dioxide enter the leaf and sugar and oxygen exit the leaf.

When applied to bare root stock, before planting, or after saturating the root structure when in place, Nano Green acts to stimulate new growth and development by dissolving NPK from the roots, thereby enhancing nutrient uptake. It also provides an element of nutrition when it is applied to the leaves, where it enters through the stomata and is accepted directly by the plant.

A second factor that contributes to these results is the presence of sodium in Nano Green. Sodium is a cation, which encourages and stimulates the movement of fertilizers and other nutrients from the soil into plant itself through its root system. To be more technical, cation is an atom or group of atoms carrying a positive electric charge to which the negatively charged anions are attracted. They attach themselves and hitch a ride into the plant. In other words, NA+ is a charged (sodium) transporter conveying nourishment directly to the plant.

As a consequence of both these factors, the plant grows more rapidly, is healthier, stronger and better able to resist disease. Comparative field tests also confirm earlier and higher rates of germination, quicker flowering and increased overall crop size.

What makes Nano Green so revolutionary is that it is able to achieve these results with an environmentally friendly, truly "green" non-polluting product. Made from FDA approved food stocks, Nano Green is completely non-toxic and non-hazardous. It has a very high biobased content and is completely bio-degradable over a 28 day period.

To better appreciate how Nano Green influences growth, it's necessary first to explain some fundamental elements of what contributes to a plant's health.

A Brief Explanation of Plant Growth

When a seed germinates, it produces an embryonic root (radicle) that grows into the soil, in response to the earth's gravitational field. As new cells are added, the root elongates producing hair roots and lateral roots. The roots remain interconnected, developing a network of living cells throughout the soil. Within the root, the inner cells become specialized to conduct solutes (water + substances dissolved in it) from the root to the shoot (via xylem) and from the shoot to the root (via phloem).

Flow from the shoot to the root is achieved by loading sugars produced in the leaves into the phloem. The sugar-laden solute moves downward, to the sites of lower concentration in the root. The xylem, carrying solute from the roots to the shoot, acts like a bundle of capillary tubes, supporting the water in a vertical reservoir. The leaves of the plant actively lose water through pores at the surface (transpiration), drawing the water in the xylem upwards. By this method, essential nutrients extracted from the soil are transported to sites of growth and production in the shoot.

The surface of the leaf is specialized for trapping energy from light (photosynthesis) and storing it as sugars and starch. Therefore the upper leaf surface must be angled to face the sun, which causes its surface temperature to rise 10 C above the ambient air temperature. To control water loss, most leaves have a thick water resilient waxy layer. The specialized openings that control the rate of water loss (stomata) tend to be more numerous on the underside of the leaf. However, leaves are not ideally adapted for taking up nutrients. It's the mass flow of solutes from the soil to the roots that provides the greatest amount of nourishment for plants. (the above is a portion of a tract, written by Pam Pittaway, Landscape Consultant, Queensland, Australia).

Early Test Results

Because plants sprayed with Nano Green appeared to be much larger and grew faster than normal, an agronomist in South Africa/Zambia theorized that these factors may have been due to an increase in the level of photosynthesis. To test this theory, several plots of wheat were sprayed with Nano Green in early summer of 2005, while adjoining plots, that served as a control, were treated with conventional fertilizer/pesticide applications. Leaves from plants in both plots were then crushed and the resulting fluid submitted for a Brix meter reading to determine if there were any differences in the level of sugar content. To their astonishment, the plants sprayed with Nano Green showed an increase of 80% in just a four to five day period. The owners of the plot and their crop managers considered this “extraordinary.”

To confirm these findings, another series of tests were undertaken, this time in Australia, in late summer of 2005. The subject crop was macadamia nuts. This test was more comprehensive and spread out over a longer period of time. The crops were in different, but adjacent fields. Spraying took place over a four week period. One control called for spraying to cease after the first application to determine what happened to the sugar content under these conditions. Additionally, a control was set-up to measure a direct comparison between Nano Green and two standard fertilizing treatments involving urea and humic acid, which were substantially exceeded.

These tests, which were more comprehensive, revealed the sugar content of the leaves increased by a factor of 50%+, within seven days of spraying, compared with the plants in the adjacent fields. What was even more interesting was so long as the plants were sprayed at 7 or 10 day cycles, the sugar content remained at an elevated 50%+ level. Once spraying was discontinued, the sugar level returned to normal after about four to five weeks, indicating a direct correlation between the use and non-use of the spray.

In the ensuing months, many other crops were sprayed with Nano Green, all of which confirmed the observations that the plants matured earlier, were larger than usual with increased fruit size and substantially greater yields. This culminated in plantings undertaken in Thailand in early 2006 on two rice varieties in three different provinces. The first report received by the company stated that the seedlings sprayed with Nano Green



Nanoelectronics refer to the use of nanotechnology on electronic components, especially transistors. Although the term nanotechnology is generally defined as utilizing technology less than 100 nm in size, nanoelectronics often refer to transistor devices that are so small that inter-atomic interactions and quantum mechanical properties need to be studied extensively. As a result, present transistors (such as in recent Intel Core i7 processors) do not fall under this category, even though these devices are manufactured under 65 nm or 45 nm technology.

Nanoelectronics are sometimes considered as disruptive technology because present candidates are significantly different from traditional transistors. Some of these candidates include: hybrid molecular/semiconductor electronics, one dimensional nanotubes/nanowires, or advanced molecular electronics.

Fundamental concepts

The volume of an object decreases as the third power of its linear dimensions, but the surface area only decreases as its second power. This somewhat subtle and unavoidable principle has huge ramifications. For example the power of a drill (or any other machine) is proportional to the volume, while thefriction of the drill's bearings and gears is proportional to their surface area. For a normal-sized drill, the power of the device is enough to handily overcome any friction. However, scaling its length down by a factor of 1000, for example, decreases its power by 10003 (a factor of a billion) while reducing the friction by only 10002 (a factor of "only" a million). Proportionally it has 1000 times less power per unit friction than the original drill. If the original friction-to-power ratio was, say, 1%, that implies the smaller drill will have 10 times as much friction as power. The drill is useless.

For this reason, while super-miniature electronic integrated circuits are fully functional, the same technology cannot be used to make working mechanical devices beyond the scales where frictional forces start to exceed the available power. So even though you may see microphotographs of delicately etched silicon gears, such devices are currently little more than curiosities with limited real world applications, for example, in moving mirrors and shutters [1]. Surface tension increases in much the same way, thus magnifying the tendency for very small objects to stick together. This could possibly make any kind of "micro factory" impractical: even if robotic arms and hands could be scaled down, anything they pick up will tend to be impossible to put down. The above being said, molecular evolution has resulted in working cilia, flagella, muscle fibers and rotary motors in aqueous environments, all on the nanoscale. These machines exploit the increased frictional forces found at the micro or nanoscale. Unlike a paddle or a propeller which depends on normal frictional forces (the frictional forces perpendicular to the surface) to achieve propulsion, cilia develop motion from the exaggerated drag or laminar forces (frictional forces parallel to the surface) present at micro and nano dimensions. To build meaningful "machines" at the nanoscale, the relevant forces need to be considered. We are faced with the development and design of intrinsically pertinent machines rather than the simple reproductions of macroscopic ones.

Approaches to nanoelectronics

Nano fabrication:

Nanofabrication can be used to construct ultradense parallel arrays of nanowires, as an alternative to synthesizing nanowires individually.

Nanomaterials electronics

Besides being small and allowing more transistors to be packed into a single chip, the uniform and symmetrical structure of nanotubes allows a higherelectron mobility (faster electron movement in the material), a higher dielectric constant (faster frequency), and a symmetrical electron/holecharacteristic

Molecular electronics

Single molecule devices are another possibility. These schemes would make heavy use of molecular self-assembly, designing the device components to construct a larger structure or even a complete system on their own. This can be very useful for reconfigurable computing, and may even completely replace present FPGA technology.

Molecular electronics [5] is a new technology which is still in its infancy, but also brings hope for truly atomic scale electronic systems in the future. One of the more promising applications of molecular electronics was proposed by the IBM researcher Ari Aviram and the theoretical chemist Mark Ratner in their 1974 and 1988 papers Molecules for Memory, Logic and Amplification, (see Unimolecular rectifier)[6][7] . This is one of many possible ways in which a molecular level diode / transistor might be synthesized by organic chemistry. A model system was proposed with a spiro carbon structure giving a molecular diode about half a nanometre across which could be connected by polythiophene molecular wires. Theoretical calculations showed the design to be sound in principle and there is still hope that such a system can be made to work.

Other approaches

Nanoionics studies the transport of ions rather than electrons in nanoscale systems.

Nanophotonics studies the behavior of light on the nanoscale, and has the goal of developing devices that take advantage of this behavior.


Nanoradios have been developed structured around carbon nanotubes.


Nanoelectronics holds the promise of making computer processors more powerful than are possible with conventional semiconductor fabrication techniques. A number of approaches are currently being researched, including new forms of nanolithography, as well as the use of nanomaterials such as nanowires or small molecules in place of traditional CMOS components.Field effect transistors have been made using both semiconducting carbon nanotubes[9] and with heterostructured semiconductor nanowires.

Energy production

Research is ongoing to use nanowires and other nanostructured materials with the hope to create cheaper and more efficient solar cells than are possible with conventional planar silicon solar cells.[11] It is believed that the invention of more efficient solar energy would have a great effect on satisfying global energy needs.

There is also research into energy production for devices that would operate in vivo, called bio-nano generators. A bio-nano generator is a nanoscale electrochemical device, like a fuel cellor galvanic cell, but drawing power from blood glucose in a living body, much the same as how the body generates energy from food. To achieve the effect, an enzyme is used that is capable of stripping glucose of its electrons, freeing them for use in electrical devices. The average person's body could, theoretically, generate 100 watts of electricity (about 2000 food calories per day) using a bio-nano generator.[12] However, this estimate is only true if all food was converted to electricity, and the human body needs some energy consistently, so possible power generated is likely much lower. The electricity generated by such a device could power devices embedded in the body (such as pacemakers), or sugar-fed nanorobots. Much of the research done on bio-nano generators is still experimental, with Panasonic's Nanotechnology Research Laboratory among those at the forefront.

[edit]Medical diagnostics

There is great interest in constructing nanoelectronic devices[13][14][15] that could detect the concentrations of biomolecules in real time for use as medical diagnostics,[16] thus falling into the category of nanomedicine.[17] A parallel line of research seeks to create nanoelectronic devices which could interact with single cells for use in basic biological research.[18] These devices are called nanosensors. Such miniaturization on nanoelectronics towards in vivo proteomic sensing should enable new approaches for health monitoring, surveillance, and defense technology